Welcome to the Online Giving System for the First Baptist Church of Bridgeport!
This form can be used for all tithes and offering submissions and will be taken into account, just like regular tithes and offerings. Here are a few things to remember when making an online donation:
-Under the “Frequency” drop-box, please be sure to select the option that best fits your donation intentions. Any option selected other than “One-Time Gift” will reoccur for the time-period selected.
-For all donations made, please be sure to check the box at the bottom of the form to include the 3% or 1% transaction fee. You are responsible for you transaction fees, and if you do not cover the small additional fee, the fee amount will be deducted from you giving amount and you will only be credited for that amount. For example, if you give $100 and do not cover the $3 debit/credit card transaction fee, you will only be credited for $97 as the $3 will be deducted from your giving amount.